60-year-old retirees will need proof of life – 31/01/2019 – Market


Banks will continue to carry out the life test of retired and retired INSS, even after the changes to be applied by the government to the procedure, yesterday informed the Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks)

The interim measure 871, signed on 18 January by President Jair Bolsonaro, establishes that beneficiaries from the age of 60 set a date for the fulfillment of the faith in the annual life. However, the text does not define where and how the service will be provided to the elderly, which will leave him in charge of the INSS regulation.

To date, the audit is conducted without planning and each bank sets the deadline for the beneficiary to attend the agency or self-service to renew his pbadword.

In addition to informing that "the banks will continue to provide evidence of the life of the beneficiaries of the INSS," said Mr. Febraban badyzing interim measure 871 to determine what steps will need to be taken "and that after this badysis, "the banks will meet with the INSS to define the procedures to be adopted."

The INSS reaffirmed yesterday that some

The body also pointed out that the new rules of proof of life are being badyzed the new president of the institute, Renato Rodrigues Vieira, as well as the technical field

When publishing the act in the "Official Journal of the Union, "the INSS announced that it will occur" as soon as it is signed. "

The interim measure also introduces the possibility of realizing proof of life at home of insured persons over 80 years of age.

The new measure maintains the authorization for INSS de blo payments until the recipient answers the call.

For the moment, the calendar has not changed.

Last week, the Secretariat for Social Affairs warned on February 28 about false information posted on the Internet about a supposed exhaustion of the deadline.

was related to the extension of service performed last year to those who had not appeared in 2017.

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