General alert: more than 60 municipalities are on alert for an epidemic


The Ministry of Health reported that 65 municipalities in Piauí are on alert for an outbreak of arbovirus. Despite the reduction in the number of dengue, zika and chikungunya cases, a survey conducted by the control room in Arboviroses indicates that these cities are highly infected by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

According to the bulletin of the 25th epidemiological week, chikungunya case compared to the same period in 2017, where 3,714 probable cases were reported and 285 cases this year. Dengue cases also decreased: l 39; last year, there were 4,206 cases and in 2018, 1,206 cases a reduction of 70.5%.

 Aedes Aegypti. Photo: Internet reproduction
Aedes Aegypti. Photo: Internet reproduction

Supervisor of health surveillance, Antônio Manoel, warns that municipalities should remain vigilant, since the survey data indicate that 19 municipalities in Piauí have an index of 39.4%. predation infestation greater than 4%, ie a high infestation with a risk of occurrence of arbovirus outbreaks. In a state of alert, the PII from 1% to 3.9%, there are 65 municipalities and 131 with a satisfactory PII, less than 1% of the infestation.

The Supervisor of Health Surveillance also points out that the index demonstrates the quantity of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the municipality, but that even those at a satisfactory level should remain vigilant. "There is, yes, the possibility of a dengue epidemic even with data satisfying the rate of infestation, so the municipalities must maintain control actions and mobilize the population," says Manoel.

In addition, the system reports that nine municipalities have not or have not informed the Entomological Research Data System. "These data are used to take more effective measures in the most at-risk areas, we need this data to guide our work, and if a municipality does not announce its reality, it will end up hurting its population," explains Manoel

Entomological survey data are collected by endemic agents in the residences, who check the mosquito outbreaks in the area.After this field work, the municipal secretariats of health feed the system. Liraa-LIA information from the Ministry of Health

The municipalities at risk are:

Alagoinha do Piauí

Alvorada do Gurguéia

Belém do Piauí

Betânia do Piauí

Good Principle of Piauí

Buriti of the Montes

Great Caldeirao do Piauí

Campinas do Piauí

Charity of Piauí

Demerval Lobão

Francisco Macedo [19659002] Francisco Santos


Júlio Borges


Milton Brandão

Pius IX

Santana do Piauí

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