& # 39; Indiana Jones 5 & # 39; will be screenwriter of "Han Solo – A Story of Star Wars & # 39;


According to Collider, Disney hired a screenwriter Jonathan Kasdan to rewrite the screenplay of "Indiana Jones 5 ". originally written by David Koepp ('Jurbadic Han Solo: A Story of Star Wars Han Solo: A Story of Star Wars Han Solo: A Star Wars Story One of the artifacts that appears in the precious collection of the evil Dryden Vos ( Paul Bettany ) is included an Easter egg of from "Indiana Jones a gold statue that Jones is trying to recover from a temple in the famous opening scene of " The Hunters of the 39; Lost Ark '

Harrison Ford returns, and Chris Pratt can coaster

The Star Ken Jeong will give life to the adult version of the little boy, which we know in & # 39; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Destiny & quot;

The Announcement of the Lease (& # 39; ] If not drunk no case ), was screened for the fifth Indiana Jones film : [196459003]in the role of Short Round. Jeong will play alongside Harrison Ford taking over his iconic role of Indiana Jones.

About the new addition, Steven Spielberg posed with enthusiasm, recalling his admiration for the famous sidekick:

"I've always found the shorts around one." great character, I'm really excited to finally have the opportunity to bring him back, as an adult. As for Ken I believe that he compacts perfectly all the best qualities of Short Round and will bring a lot of heart and humor to the role.I could not be happier and I think he and Harrison will form a great team. "

Disney published 26 new release dates up to 2023 and among them the official release date of 'Indiana Jones 5'. to be released in theaters on [10juillet1945] [10 juillet 2020] . Harrison Ford is excited about "Indiana Jones 5"

The four films grossed nearly $ 2 billion at the global box office.

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