Jornal do Brasil – Science and technology


By studying the data collected by the Cbadini spacecraft, disintegrated in 2017, an international group of scientists discovered that the Saturn layer The ice that covers Enceladus – 40 kilometers thick – meets all the requirements for to shelter life, concludes a study published in the journal Nature. The natural satellite is the sixth largest moon of Saturn.

Geysers with extraterrestrial water on this satellite are known to contain a wide range of interesting components, including salt, silicon oxide, and other simple carbon compounds. But the latest study revealed that there are also large molecules rich in carbon, which means that the satellite has elements necessary for life.

Enceladus impresses scientists after discovery of simple organic molecules

With complex molecules from its liquid ocean of water, this moon is the only celestial body in addition to the Earth. , which simultaneously meets all the basic demands of life as we know it, "explains one of the article's authors and researcher at the Southwest Research Institute, Christopher Glein.

Although "complex organic molecules do not necessarily guarantee a livable environment, are the life precursor of life," says Frank Postberg, a professor at the University of Heidelberg, quoted by The Independent.

The Cbadini spacecraft, launched by NASA, detected molecular hydrogen in 2015 as it flew over the sixth largest moon of Saturn. It should be noted that, according to scientists, what has been discovered by Cbadini will be very significant for the next generation of exploration.

It should be noted that this compound is formed by the geochemical interaction between water and rocks on the surface of the icecap. "

" This is, for example, one of the biggest questions in science: extraterrestrial life – yes or no. [Encélado] is the first place to check it ".] (Function (d, s, id) {
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