São Paulo is the state that has the largest number of cities among the most developed in Brazil.The IFDM has been prepared to from 2016 data with the federal government's indicators of employment and income, health and education of 5,471 municipalities in the country – where 99.5% of the Brazilian population lives
city number 1 in the ranking, for the second year in a row, is Louveira, located about 70 kilometers from the city of São Paulo, with a little over 40 000 inhabitants Louveira was the only one to record an index greater than 0.9. Only 431 municipalities scored above 0.8 – most of them concentrated in the South, Southeast, and Midwest. The average IFDM Brazil was 0.6678 (closer to 1, better is the degree of development). In second and third place, respectively, are Paulista Olímpia and Estrela do Norte.
According to Firjan's badysis, the economic crisis that the country has experienced in recent years has reduced the socio-economic level of Brazilian cities for three years. According to the study, in comparison with 2015, the areas of education and health have made the slightest progress over the past decade and have not offset the job market losses these last years.
The badysis shows that the country is far from the goals set by the National Education Plan (NEP), followed by the IFDM. The goal, for example, of universalizing preschool education for 4- and 5-year-olds could only be achieved in 2035 if the growth observed from 2014 to 2016 is maintained.
In the badysis of employment and income, the IFDM points out that between 2015 and 2016, nearly 3 million formal jobs were closed in the country. In 2016, only 2,254 cities generated jobs, nearly 60% of all jobs closed, including capital cities and major economic centers.
The last in the ranking was the city of Ipixuna in Amazonas, which had a score of 0, 3214.
Below, take a look at the 100 most developed cities of Country:
1º – The city of Belo Horizonte is one of the most important cities of the country, (19459013) 6th – Lajeado (PR)
6th – Apucarana (PR)
6th – Lajeado (SP) RS)
10th – Itupeva (SP)
11th – São Caetano do Sul (SP)
8th – Concordia (SC)
15th – Paraguaçu Paulista (SP)
] 16th – Mendonça (SP)
12th – Jundiaí (SP)
13th – Jaguariúna
20th – Vinhedo (SP)
21st – Clementina (SP)
22nd – Paulínia (SP)
18th – Paranavaí (PR)
19th – Pato Branco – Santos (SP)
23º – Mococo (SP)
24º – Amparo (SP) [194590]
30th – Chapecó (SC)
26th – Barretos (SP)
27º – São Carlos (SP) Rio de Janeiro (SP)
33rd – Indaiatuba (SP)
35th – Nova Odessa (SP)
32nd – Andradina (SP)
39th – Campo Bom (RS)
40th – Joaçaba (SC)
45º – Mato Leitão (RS)
46th] – Fernandópolis (SP)
41º – Franca (SP) Patos de Minas (MG)
47th – Florianópolis (SC)
48th – Iracemápolis (SP)
49th – Balneário Camboriú (SC)
50th – Mirbadol (SP)
51º – South Jandaia do (RP) )
52nd – Itapira (SP)
53rd – Meridiano (SP)
54th – Muçum (RS)
55th – Campo Mourão (RS)
60th – Serafina Corrêa (RS)
] 58th – Bento Gonçalves (RS)
59th – Carlos Barbosa (R S) 65º – Picada Cafe (RS)
66th – Santo (SP)
66th – Paraiso (SP)
64th – Presidente Prudente (SP)
André (SP) [1945] 9014] 67th – Barueri (SP)
68th – Guaporé (RS)
69th – Santa Rosa (RS)
70th – Pratânia (SP)
72º – Chapadão do Céu (GO)
73º – Itumbiara (GO)
74th – Curitiba (PR)
75º – Jarinu (SP)
76º – Araraquara 77th – Pedreira (SP)
78th – Santa Cruz do Sul (RS)
79th – Catanduva (SP)
80th – Campinas (SP)
81st – Bragança Paulista (SP) – Penápolis (SP)
83rd – Taguaí (SP)
84th – Francisco Beltrão (PR)
85th – Londrina (PR)
86º – São Lourenço do Oeste (SC)
87º – Veranópolis (RS)
88º – Marshal Cândido Rondon (PR)
89º – Ceres (GO)
90º – Votuporanga
94º – Eusebio (CE)
95º – Ijuí (RS)
96º – Lençóis Paulista (SP)
92º – Valinhos (SP)
93º – Gabriel Monteiro
100º – Ivoti (RS) [196] 59016] 19659005] The edition of this month is already available in newsstands, in our application and also in Globo Mais.
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