Health Without Borders breast cancer screening visits 14 more counties in July


Next month, in July, Health Without Borders Breast Cancer Screening, a traveling program of the State Secretariat for Health (Sesab), will continue to serve women aged 50 to 69 years in the region. 39; Itabuna. The program has been in the region since June 11 and has already served in eight municipalities, and must visit 14 other municipalities: Ubaitaba, Ibirapitanga, Aurelino Leal, Maraú, Itajuípe, Coaraci, Almadina, Camacã, Jussari, Pau Brazil, Itapitanga, Ibicaraí, Floresta Azul and Itaju do Colônia

The objective of the State Secretariat for Health (Sesab) is to serve 14,740 women aged 50 to 69 living in the 14 municipalities. According to Jucélia Nascimento, director of strategic projects (Dipro) and coordinator of Santé sans frontières, mammography is the examination that detects early bad cancer and, to be cared for, the woman must wear a badfeeding document. identity, the map. SUS and proof of address.

The service is done in mobile units, fully equipped to give all the necessary comfort to women. Breast cancer screening at Santé sans frontières has the difference of monitoring women with non-conclusive mammograms, with the offer of complementary tests for diagnosis and referral to treatment, aiming at the diagnosis of bad cancer. Complete care

with a positive diagnosis, surgical, chemotherapeutic or radiotherapeutic treatment will be performed in highly complex units in oncology. This program is a tool for women's access to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of bad cancer.

See here the places and days of care:

Camacã (02 to 18/07) Ubaitaba and Itajuípe (from 03 to 13/07); Ibicaraí (from 03 to 14/07); Ibirapitanga (14-24 July); Coaraci (14 to 27/07); Blue Forest (July 16 to 21); Jussari (July 20th to 23rd); Itaju do Colônia (23-25 ​​July); Pau Brasil (25-28); Aurelino Leal (from 26 to 31/07); Almadina (from July 30 to August 1, 2008); Itapitanga (30; / 07 to 03/08) and, finally, early August, Maraú (02-09 / 08)

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