Security error in RAM may affect Android smartphones launched since 2012


It was not long ago that Specter and Meltdown chess caused major headaches for various technology companies. As the problem affected modern processors, the resolution finally had a side effect.

Now, security researchers have unveiled this week a new glitch that could affect all Android smartphones that have been released since 2012 . This time the problem mainly concerns the RAM of these devices:

A malicious application may end up exploiting the failure of RAMpage to gain control of the administrator and recover the information stored on the device [19659004] Android that have been released with LPDDR2, LPDDR3 or LPDDR4 modules. In addition, it is quite possible that the problem also affects Apple devices and even PCs :

The bug is a variant of the Rowhammer attack, which is a hardware failure on memory cards. The attack sends repetitive read / write requests to the memory modules of a device. With RAMpage, the attack is specifically directed to the Android memory subsystem called ION, which manages memory allocations between applications and the operating system. With this, a hacker can break the isolation between the operating system and applications, which is critical for security.

For the moment, there is still no information on a possible solution to the failure. This is because it affects the hardware devices . The researchers also explained that there are no reports and a lot of information on the cases where the hackers exploited the bug.

Despite this, they have already contacted Google and other companies to solve the problem that affects thousands of smartphones. around the world.

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