LeBron James says he's not going to opt for automatic renewal and is free in the NBA


LeBron James informed the Cleveland Cavaliers on Friday that he would become a free agent so he will not exercise the contract option to renew for another season with the team, according to two of the athlete's family. The current tie expires at the end of this Saturday and provided the player can extend it until June 2019 for $ 35.6 million.

LeBron's decision was already awaited because it gives him more possibilities. One of them is the signing of a new contract with Cavaliers, who can offer a valid link for five seasons, with a total value of $ 209 million (about $ 805 million). dollars).

Among the franchises most likely to hire the spotlight, there are the Los Angeles Lakers, who have enough budget to offer a maximum of two-player contracts. In this case, LeBron could have the company of another NBA star to play next season, like Paul George and Chris Paul, who can also become Sunday's free agents.

Another move expected by the Lakers to recruit the wing is to try to conclude an exchange with the San Antonio Spurs to bring in Kawhi Leonard, who is dissatisfied with his current franchise and said that He wants to return to live in Los Angeles, where he was born. In the Californian city, LeBron owns two houses and a film producer.

In addition to the Lakers, Philadelphia 76ers and Houston Rockets are considered potential stars.

Overall, LeBron played 104 games last season and reached the NBA Finals for the eighth consecutive year.

In all, LeBron played 104 games last season and reached the NBA Finals for the eighth consecutive year, the ninth overall. The player and the Cavaliers were beaten by the Golden State Warriors in the decision for the third time in four consecutive games – against the rival team, the athlete won his third league title in 2016, having already been twice champion with Miami (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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