A researcher discovers an unknown photo of Machado de Assis in an Argentine magazine According to Rissato, who found the file in the digital diary of the University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Brazilian magazine "Caras y Caretas"


An unknown portrait of Machado de Assis was published on January 25, 1908 in the Argentine magazine Caras y Caretas. National Library of Spain, the portrait is probably the last of the writer, died on September 29, 1908, eight months after its publication.

"The last one up to now was a photograph of September 1907 in which he has an epileptic seizure and you can not see his face, made by Augusto Malta," says the researcher. [19659001] Before the new discovery, there were only 38 known photographic documents from Machado

Two years ago, Rissato discovered Machado's only image presiding over an ABL session in 1905. Last year , he found another photo, taken in 1880 in the studio of Isnley Pacheco – the official photographer of the 2nd Dom Pedro emperor and his family.

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