Casemiro minimizes the possibility of mattresses having hurt Marcelo: "I've already slept on the floor"


Flying Casemiro minimizes the possibility that the mattress in the hotel where the Brazilian team is staying during the World Cup is the cause of the back pain of Marcelo . Last Wednesday, the left-back was replaced after less than ten minutes on the field in a 2-0 win against Serbia, because of a spasm in the region.

After the confrontation, the doctor of the Brazilian national team, Rodrigo Lasmar, badessed that the problem in Marcelo may have been caused by the mattress used by him. The left-back did not return to training for the national team, having only slipped on the field at training this Friday, including to follow a conversation with Titus with the whole cast.

So Marcelo has no guaranteed return for Monday's duel with Mexico, by eighth of the end of the glbad. "They talk about whether the mattress is bad or good … I do not have much to say." In our childhood, many players slept on the floor without mattresses, each blaming, but I did not have much to say. have slept long on the floor. Casemiro was one of the last players to play for Titus for the World Cup while he was defending Real Madrid in the Champions League decision. , having participated in another successful campaign of the Spanish team in the continental tournament. He is also one of the most successful athletes of the last season, having entered the field 48 times for his club.

Nevertheless, Casemiro sees wear as a difficulty in maintaining the high level in the Cup. of the world. For him, everything is a privilege. "It's a dream, I've won the Champions League again and I'm the happiest person in the world to play here for the World Cup," he said. "I have 26 years and a lot of desire to run"

Thus, Casemiro's only concern at the moment is the Mexican national team, Brazil's rival Monday in Samara, for the round of 32 world Cup.

Casemiro revealed that he talked to friends about the style of the coach, who usually makes several changes in his teams from one game to the next. "The coach is very smart, he worked in São Paulo and they've talked a lot about him, I'm sure he'll want to surprise us," he said. n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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