RJ: Campos dos Goytacazes lives the epidemic of chikungunya – News


The municipal health department of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, in the Rio de Janeiro, decreed Friday (29), an epidemic state of chikungunya. The announcement was made by the director of Health Surveillance, the medical infectiologist Andréya Moreira, at a press conference at the Zoonoses Control Center (CCZ).

The municipality has already reported 1966 cases of the disease. The number meets the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) to determine the epidemic: there are 300 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

Currently, about 250 daily visits are made to the Reference Centers for immunocompromised diseases (IDRC) in the city. According to the prefecture, the network is ready to serve the population, who can also visit the basic health services and hospitals Ferreira Machado and General de Guarus.

See also: Case of chikungunya almost tripled in the state of Rio de Janeiro

"The notified cases are disclosed to the State by the health monitoring to enter the state system.There is a delay for this entry into the system because each state has a high index of chikungunya.The epidemic can only be decreed when the number of notifications exceeds 1,500. But in recent weeks, the situation has been considered an epidemic, "says Andreya Moreira

also at the press conference, the director of the CCZ, Marcelo Sales, said that mutilations for the elimination of the mosquito transmit disease will be intensified in the coming days.

"Our work with the mutings continues and intensifies. Now, we rely even more on the support of the population to receive our agents in their homes.

With the increase in the number of cases of the disease, the network also increases the number of laboratory tests that identify chikungunya

Understanding the difference between yellow fever, dengue, influenza , zika and chikungunya:

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