The giant penis is drawn in Australia and can be seen from space – Unusual World


<img src = "" alt = "The drawing of the giant penis has caught the attention of Google Maps users in recent days

Reproduction / Mirror

The drawing of the giant penis has attracted the attention of users of Google Maps in recent days

the monuments made by humanity are so great that the they can be seen from certain places in space, for example the Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon, but it is not the only one to achieve this goal. The design of a giant penis made in Australia is so grandiose that it can also be visualized from points in the universe, being newly discovered.

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The design of the giant penis
was made at the bottom of a lake that dried up in Geelong, and now the work of art can be seen even from the # 39; space. According to information from the British news portal Mirror
, the figure was discovered by Google Maps users, who were very shocked by the powerful size of the drawing.

The responsible artist, however, has not yet been found, as there is no information on when – and how – figure managed to be drawn in the state of Victoria, southeast of Australia

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Beyond the giant penis in Australia, other things with phallic formats have also succeeded on the internet

Other "giant penises" can be found in Google Maps

d & # 's 39 other things with phallic formats have also been successful on the internet

If you were shocked by this fact, wait to know the other location because it has phallic format

A church located in Dixon, Illinois, attracted a lot of attention on the Internet when some users realized that it did not have a very conventional architecture for sacred sites. 19659007] Still according to the portal Mirror
, the church was ridiculed and had his building compared to a penis, which forced the administration of the place to give an explanation, to avoid questionable interpretations.

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"The building was intentionally created around a beautiful oak tree, instead of removing it," writes the church administration on its Facebook page about the confusion of the temple format with what would be a giant penis

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