OnePlus and Huawei are committed to keeping their devices up-to-date


The delay in publishing updates to Android has always been a major problem for most users – unless, of course, owning a Pixel smartphone.

Speaking of which, the Chinese automaker has warned through its official forum that it would commit to updating all supported models. (including "T" variants) for at least two more years, providing constant software updates through a maintenance program.

In addition to being badured of updating the Android version for at least two years, OnePlus will also be eligible for 3 year updates which means a full year devoted exclusively to Android security packages.

Appliances covered program are:

Taking advantage of this hook, another Chinese company that is committed to the constant updates offered was to Huawei.

While most of his compatriots do not care much, the company, which is also compromised by keeping the experience of using its customers always "brand new", has given a statement promising to continue with practice.

In addition, in new updates, it will bring the function of facial unlocking to several models, including: [19659009] [ad_2]
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