The Cantareira system reached 44% of storage this Friday (29). This level is lower than that of 2013, water from before the crisis, where it worked with 65%. The Sanitary Company of State of São Paulo (Sabesp) guarantees that the situation is under control, but the specialists UOL point out complications for the future and do not exclude a new crisis.
The company informs that since 2014 – a year when a serious water crisis began in the state of São Paulo – has already invested 7 billion reais distributed in nearly 1,000 jobs to improve supply of the São Paulo metropolitan area, whose Cantareira system
According to Marco Antonio Barros, superintendent of water production in Sabesp, there are two main works: the Jaguari-Jaguari interconnection. Atibainha and the new São Lourenço system. The first connects two regions to different points of the state and, if necessary, can send up to 162 billion liters of water a year in the direction of Cantareira. The second provides a water supply treated in Grande São Paulo up to 6.4 thousand liters per second and covers about 10% of consumption
In practice, according to Barros, interconnections between reserves help to unload Cantareira because the water comes from more places. The Mooca district, in the eastern part of the city of São Paulo, for example, is powered by four different systems. For the Superintendent, the flexibility of the system is one of the three main points for which the current situation is not worrying as in the period before the crisis. The other two are the recovery of lost water and the savings of the population.
Sabesp claims that she also invested in the loss zone during the distribution. "We are now able to recover about 6,000 liters per second of water that was previously lost," says Barros.
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According to Pedro Côrtes, geologist and professor at the University of São Paulo), the improvements "are encouraging, but in practice they only correspond to the growth of the population and, alone, do not avoid the crisis ". For the geologist, it is possible that if rains continue to fail, we will have a critical situation by the end of the year or early next year. "
For Samuel Barreto, National Director of the Water Conservancy, although the offer has improved," with greater certainty, with the transfer [de água entre reservas] and with the two new systems ", the The risk of a new water crisis exists and there is still a long way to go despite Sabesp's work.The problem, according to Barreto, is in the logic used by the company because " bring new systems and transfer more water to its limit. "" If the level As a suggestion of attitudes to take, the expert says that the company should invest more in rehabilitation dams, in reforms aimed at avoiding leaks from the distribution networks. [a cair] we can reach a critical situation. better take care of the water sources for the economy. "New York has not looked after its waters because it's clbady, but because it's six times cheaper than treating water afterwards," he says.
Despite expert warnings and an alert, the Superintendent of Sabesp says that "we are very far from a water crisis", as the level of reservoirs goes from 0% to 100% and almost half remains available. "[O nível de armazenamento] is low, but the tank was built to function in this way, taking into account periods of alternation," he explains.
According to Barros, the company is still looking to encourage moderate consumption. crisis. "Today, there is a decrease in the pressure at dawn as part of the loss reduction program," says Barros,
but all three agree that part of the solution involves the rational consumption of water. "People and buildings must use reusable water every day, and the water can be used for less noble purposes, like washing the floor, for example."
Influence The climate and the weather
According to the geologist Pedro Côrtes, the system is particularly affected by two reasons: it is the main supplier of Greater São Paulo – which translates into a greater consumption than others – and geographical location. "We have to avoid waste at all costs, our system depends on the climate and we can not negotiate with the rain, we have to think about it day by day."
Climate forecasts in the region are not very encouraging. According to the Weather and Climate Prediction Center (Cptec / Inpe), drought is expected to continue in the next quarter – from July to September – in the south-east region, with the possibility of occasional rainfall, which would be an "anomaly". ". positive. "
According to the Superintendent of Sabesp, it is normal that there is a drop in the level during the dry season." Since the spring of last year we have irregular rains, with good months below the historical average, "he argues.In April, for example, the Cantareira received a precipitation level of 22.4 millimeters, while the average for the month is 86.6 millimeters, according to the measures of the company.
"Three bad months are not eternal," he says "the executive." A critical climate situation does not necessarily turn into a crisis of supply, the conditions are totally different today. "
Barros explains that, unlike 2014, Sabesp is prepared for this type of crisis and, therefore, would not be comparable to the current situation of the system with l 39; the era before the crisis. "In 2013, we were ready for a condition, [a crise] has arrived, now we are prepared for a critical state like this. "
For the Superintendent, consumer habits in times of crisis were incorporated into daily life, with a 20% decrease in average customer compared to 2014, which translates into a saving of 10 thousand liters of water per second, according to the company, saving 10 thousand liters of water per second. . "Before the crisis, consumption was 33,000 liters per second, today it's 23,000 liters per second." People use it according to their needs, but [de forma] rational. "
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