On the eve of elections, Mexico lives "obradormania"


The predictable victory of leftist Andrés López Obrador in the presidential elections next Sunday (1) sparked a veritable "obradormania" in Mexico, including the sale of all sorts of paraphernalia with his image.

  Andrés López Obrador is the favorite to win elections in Mexico

Andrés López Obrador is the favorite to win elections in Mexico

Photo: EPA / Ansa – Brazil

Obrador, who has promised to fight with energy the "mafia of power", serves as inspiration for shirts, socks, wines, hats, pins and even cloth dolls. In the popular Free Market website, shirts with the phrase "Todoskis com Amlosky", which punctuates the initials of the candidate and the alleged support charges from Russia, appear as "hot bread".

There are also face fighter masks, umbrellas, belts, wallets, purses, ponchos and backpacks. Yeidckol Polevnsky, president of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), party of Obrador, created a page titled "amlovers.mx", with the motto "Wear Hope, Be Part of the Change" and in which colorful drawings inspired by the policy of 64.

"I AMLO Mexico" and "It's an honor to be with Obrador" are some of the phrases etched on the clothes, alluding to the borders of his campaign. Sharon Flores, art historian at the Ibero-American University, is the author of the original designs of T-shirts sold on the Facebook page "Pejetines" for 199 pesos.

The name "Peje" appears in many drawings to be the nickname of the candidate, inspired by a very special edible fish called "pejelagarto", originally from the state of Tabasco, the birthplace of the leader in the presidential elections.

The López Obrador brand was already used for several years, but has won in recent months, especially in Tabasco. Informal traders often incorporate the usual Obrador caravan into their travels across the country to sell a wide range of objects inspired by his image, from pens to DVDs. "In some markets it is possible to find candles with the image of Obrador and the legend" A

The candidate, adept of religious language in his speeches, with phrases like "we will build the kingdom of justice ", is venerated as a saint by its most faithful followers in the villages

" Political fashion "has few precedents in Mexico, but Obrador raises strong emotions in a country greedy leaders. Above all, "El Peje" has shown a great connection with the millennia, although he is a 64-year-old man because of his "anti-system" messages. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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