The standard establishes a maximum percentage of 40% to be paid for the execution of proceedings and determines the limits to be paid by co-participation and franchise
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Changes take effect in 180 years
In the face of criticism of the regulation of the application of co-participation and the franchise in health plans the National Agency of Complementary Health (ANS) published additional information on the new rules that he considers necessary to protect the consumer, in Ensuring greater predictability and clarity
The regulator emphasized that the operator will be obliged to provide information on the monetary value practiced with specific suppliers, when requested by the beneficiaries. be paid by the beneficiaries because of the impact of joint ownership and franchise, as well as a 40% percentage in the badumption of co lects coparticipação for the completion of the procedure, the agency believes that the financial exposure will not generate debt. 19659010] ANS also pointed out that "the subject was discussed by the Agency at different times and was discussed in 2005. In mid-2016, discussions resumed with more vigor, and a technical group on the subject for a broad discussion with society. Following this, he went through a public hearing, a public consultation, and eventually a search was opened for the participation of the whole society. "
The new rules become valid in 180 days Contracts signed before the coming into force of the regulation are not submitted to him The ANS resolution published yesterday (28) in the Official Gazette day the rules for the application of joint ownership and deductibles in health plans.The standard establishes a maximum percentage of 40% to be charged by the operator for the execution of procedures and determines the monthly limits and annual to be paid by the consumer by coparticipation and deductible.
Fearful indebtedness of people who are contracting plans with these funding mechanisms and reduced the search for health care, organizations like the National Board of Health (CNS) and the Brazilian Consumer Protection Institute (Idec) have criticized the measure, which they consider beneficial to operators, and have attracted more public discussion on the issue. subject, so that the positions of civil society can also be presented and considered.
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