With the revelation that Microsoft is working with partners to bring keyboard and mouse support to Xbox One, the distance between the gaming experience of the computer and the console should be more in addition reduced, and a more recent rumor is now reporting on the alleged plans of the giant Redmond to bring the mods of some games to the console.
As claimed by Windows Central, which has collected some of the developer-oriented Microsoft presentation material, Xbox can get support for the game's official release, in a format that Bethesda has already done with the developers. console versions of Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that already allow the activation of mods, but that supposedly will become valid for all games on the platform.
Still according to the site, the premise is that Microsoft offers more flexible tools to developers, as well as a new space in the Xbox Store aimed at displaying mods for respective games, in a model a company similar to Valve's Steam Workshop, in which gaming companies will be able to choose which items will be made available and which ones will be offered for monetization.
The possibilities for developers to decide if they will only accept visual changes or if the mods that modify the game properties and the new weapons / equipment options in the games and a system of social interaction in which players can share changes with friends and followers will be allowed.
So, if the information is really confirmed, the official support for mods should be implemented in a test version on Xbox One at (f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f) is a function of f (f, f) .callMethod?
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