Summary of the novel The Adventures of Poliana of Monday 07/07


Summary of Chapter 34 of the novel " The Adventures of Poliana ", exhibited on Monday, July 2, 2018, expected from 9 pm on SBT

According to the summary of "The Adventures of Poliana" published by SBT Luigi thanks Poliana, Kessya and João for helping to record his film. Mario, Gael and Benício decide to accept Lorena in their club. Jeferson goes to Dona Branca to clean Mirela's computer. Dona Branca convinces Jeferson to teach her how to play computer in certain clbades. Durval tells John that he no longer needs to work at the bakery, but when he is hungry he can go. Claudia takes Yasmin to Luisa's house to apologize and return Poliana's cell phone. Gloria talks to Roger so that Filipa respects Gleyce and Kessya at school. Guilherme intrudes and says that his father thinks like Filipa, so he takes no action. Poliana and Yasmin speak. Yasmin asks Poliana not to tell him anything about what happened at school. Poliana promises and says that seeing the good side of the situation, the two discovered that Luisa and Claudia are old friends and that the same thing can happen to them. Gabriela tries to convince Rachel to be a member of parliament on her plate. Roger goes to school to complain about his own brother. He says that Professor Marcelo mixes professionally with the staff and does not want him complaining about Filipa. Roger tries to get Salvador's photos on Veronica's nose.

And still in the chapter of "The Adventures of Poliana", Filipa tries to humiliate Kessya and expel her from where she is in the dance clbad. Poliana tries to help her friend and Filipa claims to have hurt her foot. Debora punishes Poliana and threatens Kessya's purse if she insists it's unfair. Afonso tries to conquer Luisa. Debora sends Poliana and Kessya to the board. Ruth punishes Poliana. The girl emphasizes that she has not badaulted anyone, but at least she will be able to finish reading the book faster in correction. Luisa goes to school to talk to Ruth and Debora accompanies her. Kessya says that Filipa is fake. Provocative, Filipa replies that Kessya does not belong to the school and should not leave the community. Guilherme intervenes and draws Filipa's attention. Lorena is also punished in the same room as Poliana. Mario, Gael and Benicio decide to hunt down the ghost of the school

To read other abstracts of the novel "The Adventures of Poliana", click here

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