New attacks in southern Syria kill at least 10 civilians
Deraa, one of the ruined cities because of the conflict "title =" deraa-ruinas-20120802-original.jpeg "/>
Jun 30, 2018, 17:42
(Reuters) – At least 10 civilians were killed Saturday in a bomb blast in the southern province of Daraa. Syria reportedly killed at least 10 civilians in Deraa. The attacks were orchestrated by the artillery forces of the dictator's army Bashar al-Assad against the population of Al Sahua – a target of others invested in the past hours, according to the NGO Sírio Observatorio de Derechos Humanos (OSDH)
The offensive, which began on June 19, caused about 126 civilian deaths as a result of the raid, of which 24 miners and 23 women, counting the latter.
According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the conflict has displaced 160,000 people, mainly to the border.
Government aircraft also bombed the Daraa al-Balad district in the last hours, a rebel-controlled area in the regional capital of Deraa.
Syrian rebels rallied on Saturday with Russian officials in a southern Syrian town to attempt a peace deal in the region. According to a spokesman for the Syrian Resistance, however, negotiations failed to meet Moscow's demands for capitulation.
"The meeting ended in failure, the Russians were not ready to hear our demands, they offered an option to accept their humiliating request for capitulation, which was rejected." said Ibrahim Jabawi, spokesman of the Free Syrian Army
(with EFE)