Simone announces the return date of her sister, Simaria, on stage: August 9


Simone played at VillaMix, Goiânia, on Saturday (30), and told fans: Simaria will be back on stage on August 9th. The singer – who showed her son, Henry, praying before going to bed – revealed the date after the show started at the festival. "I will give you very good news for you," she said, "and it will happen in Simaria, it's scheduled for August 9. Brazil is preparing you because the most loved people are coming back!"

»Simone jokes when she is welcomed by the public

Appeared alone since April, while Simaria was in the hospital to attend to a tuberculosis ganglion, Simone was delighted to receive the heat of the public at VillaMix. – Do not do that to the chubby woman, if the fat goes up on her chest, I have a shit here, she said with good humor. After Simaria returns to the activities of the pair, they will release the clip "Ligação", which recorded together after the singer has received medical clearance to do the work.

Simone recounts her experience in religious retreat: "He healed my soul

This week, Simone used her Instagram to tell about her experience of a religious retreat. "Hi, guys, how are you? I'm fine, I'm happy, because I have arrived at a wonderful retreat that has done great things in my life … my soul, this retreat is in BH Belo Horizonte, and here you will heal the soul, the mind and the body.It's great.Everyone has to live this experience, "he commented.

Simaria cries when talking about illness: "I could not take my son in my arms"

In an interview with "Fantástico", Simaria spoke about the typical treatment period of noncommunicable tuberculosis, but requires a minimum of 6 months of treatment. The singer does not hold her tears when she remembers what hurts her most during the difficult phase of the disease: "I weigh 50 kilos and I fall to 42. I could not put my son on my knees because I had no strength. and kept asking me to badfeed. "She even said that she kept rethinking the work routine." From fourteen to thirty-five, I worked as a burden, I did three concerts a night. " "What is life?" "I do not want to do 30 more gigs a month."] Window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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