Why does the Church celebrate St. Peter and St. Paul the same day?


7 events that will help you understand this

On June 29, the Church celebrates the solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul. However, there are doubts as to why the feast of the two apostles should be celebrated on the same day.

Below we present 7 facts that will help you understand this?

1. St. Augustine of Hippo expressed that St. Peter and St. Paul were "a"

In a 395 sermon of the year, the Doctor of the 39, Church, St. Augustine of Hippo, expressed that St. Peter and St. Paul "in the reality they were like one." Although they were martyred on different days, they gave the same testimony Peter went ahead, Paul followed, we celebrate the holy day dedicated for us by the blood of the apostles, love faith, life, works, sufferings, testimonies and the preaching of these two apostles. "

2. Both were martyred in Rome

They were detained in Mamertina prison, also known as Tullianum, located in the Roman forum of ancient Rome. In addition, they were martyred in that same city, perhaps on the orders of Emperor Nero.

St. Peter spent his last years in Rome leading the Church. His martyrdom occurred in the year 64. He was crucified backwards, at his own request, not to consider himself worthy to die as his Lord.

St. Paul was arrested and taken to Rome, where he was beheaded in AD 67. He is buried in Rome, in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls [19659003] 3. They are the founders of the Church of Rome

In the homily of the solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul in 2012, Pope Benedict XVI baderted that "their connection as brothers in faith acquired a special meaning in Rome. Indeed, the Christian community of this city saw in them a kind of antithesis of the mythological Romulus and Remus, the brothers to whom the foundation of Rome is attributed. "

4. They are the patrons of Rome and the representatives of the Gospel

In the same homily, the Holy Father called these two apostles the main patrons of the Church of Rome "The Christian tradition has always considered Saint Peter and Saint Paul as inseparable: indeed, together they represent the Gospel of Christ," said Benedict XVI

5. They are the opposite version of Cain and Abel

The Holy Father also presented an opposite parallel to the fraternity presented in the Old Testament between Cain and Abel

"While we see the The effect of sin by which Cain killed Abel Peter and Paul, although humanly different, and despite the conflicts that were not lacking in their mutual relations, they realized a new authentically evangelical way of being brothers, made possible precisely by the grace of the "Gospel of Christ who worked there" reported the Holy Father Benedict XVI.

6. Because Peter is the "rock"

Saint Peter was chosen by Christ, who said? "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church." He humbly accepted the mission of being "the rock" of the Church and feeding the flock of God despite their human frailties.

The Acts of the Apostles illustrate their role as leaders of the Church after the Resurrection and the Ascension of Christ. Peter addressed the apostles as the first pope and badured the disciples that they would maintain the true faith.

7. St. Paul is also the column of the spiritual building of the Church

St. Paul was the apostle of the Gentiles. Before his conversion, he was called Saul, but after his encounter with Christ and conversion, he continued in Damascus, where he was baptized and found the vision. He adopted Paul's name and spent the rest of his life preaching the gospel relentlessly to the nations of the Mediterranean world.

"The traditional iconography presents St. Paul's sword, and we know that it represents the instrument of his martyrdom. But, by reviewing the writings of the Apostle of the Gentiles, we find that the image of the sword refers to all of his mission of evangelizing. For example, when he feels near death, he writes to Timothy: "I fought the good fight" (2 Tim 4: 7); it is not here the fight of a commander, but that of a herald of the Word of God, faithful to Christ and to his Church, by whom he was totally consummated. Therefore, the Lord gave him the crown of glory and placed him, with Peter, as a pillar in the spiritual building of the Church, "said Benedict XVI in his homily

(Via ACI Digital)

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