The advantages and disadvantages of intermittent fasting – R7 My Style


For a few years now, intermittent fasting diets have become fashionable. The best known is the so-called 5 by 2 (five days of normal food, and two in semijejum), but another model begins to gain strength: that of 16 by 8 hours.

This new release features a diet and fasting cycle: Patients should eat normally for a period of eight hours and then fast for 16 hours in a row.

The most common feeding window of this model occurs between 10 am and 6 pm – time of day However, during the fasting hours, the patient does not eat anything and can only drink Water or a non-caloric drink. The advantage of the method, according to practitioners, is that much of the fasting coincides with the times when the practitioner sleeps.

According to a 2016 scientific study at Johns Hopkins University (United States), this dietary pattern may help moderate weight loss because it is more durable for some patients than d & # 39; other more restrictive diets, although it indicates that more research is needed.

But experts say that before starting any diet, a doctor should be consulted.

Intermittent diets have become very popular in recent years among people who wish to lose weight without completely giving up caloric foods.

In addition, some studies have linked this type of diet to health benefits, such as reducing heart disease and cancer risk, increasing longevity, and protecting against related diseases To

According to British nutritionist Kerry Torrens, intermittent diets are one of the most common forms of obesity in the world. program "food". According to Mr. Torrens, to succeed, regardless of the model, it is important that they are safe, healthy and safe.

The expert recommends including essential and healthy fats such as fish, oilseeds and seeds, as well as sources of protein, whole grains, vegetables and vegetables to provide all fiber vitamins and minerals needed.

19659005] A group of US academics from the University of Illinois (Indiana) and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies conducted a small 12-week study of 36 Obese subjects with a diet of 16 out of 8.

and healthy aging. They show an average weight loss of 3 pounds in 12 weeks, and also a reduction of 341 calories a day.

Therefore, researchers suggest that restricting food consumption to eight hours a day can generate caloric restriction

And the disadvantages?

And the disadvantages?

And the disadvantages? Obese adults who participated in this test were in good health. People who have problems with cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, pregnant or badfeeding women should consult a doctor before starting a diet.

In addition, among the side effects of fasting are headaches,

Among the most vulnerable to this type of diet, warns Torrens, are the elderly and those under 18, People who have a mbad index The nutritionist says that in general, intermittent diets can be as effective at losing weight as others that limit calorie consumption. "But we still have a lot to learn about this method, including the ideal model of fasting or caloric restriction."

On the other hand, she suggests that "a lot of people who do a more moderate fast, 7:00 pm and return to eat the next day has results and benefits," says Torrens.

To lose weight healthily the British public health service recommends a diet at a rate of 0.5 kg to 1 kg per person.

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