Taxpayers still have 30 days to update the electronic version of the bill


The deadline for updating the version of the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) in Mato Grosso do Sul has been extended, until August 2, 2018. Version migration the XML file must be made

The electronic invoice is a document issued and stored electronically, of digital existence only, whose function is to document transactions and services whose legal validity is guaranteed by the digital signature of the transmitter

According to the director of NF-e, Eduardo Higa, 25,000 entrepreneurs of Mato Grosso do Sul are emitters of NF-e, while waiting about 15,000 taxpayers emit NF-e only in version 3.10 and have not yet complied with version 4.00. "It's an expressive amount of businesses that would have their NF-e rejected if the deactivation date was today." Even with the 30-day extension, I consider it a very long delay. short for this company that has not even tested its NF-e in the new version! ", he warns.

According to him, the June 18 was the release of the latest version, 1.60, NT 2016.002, bringing more news of adjustments and validation rules, but the most important news for the taxpayer who does not s & # 39; 39; is not yet adapted to the new version 4.00 was the extension of the deadline for the deactivation of version 3.10

(19459004), Guaraci Fontana, emphasizes that it is extremely important that businesses and industries are modernizing. ( Secretary of State for Finance ) "This is a national project.Businessmen need to adapt once the notes sent in the old version will automatically be rejected, making it impossible to print the Auxiliary Document from the electronic invoice (Danf) and, consequently, sales. "

Software 19659003] Currently, there are several NF-e broadcast software available on the market, both in free and paid versions. Among the various free versions, there is one that was originally developed by the Treasury Department of São Paulo and managed by Sebrae since August 2017.

"This version can be downloaded from the Internet by visiting the Sebrae. and it takes about an hour to work, provided that the required configurations are met: installation of a valid e-CNPJ or e-PJ digital certificate, product registration, customer registration, etc. 19659003] Si the free version does not meet the needs of the company, it is recommended users to search for other solutions available on the market or own developments.The director points out that about 80% of the companies issuing the NF-e in Mato Grosso do Sul use their own software

"The software itself is the one that the taxpayer buys or develops in the society itself. The employee of the information technology sector of the company or of the company that markets NF-e issuance software must comply with the requirements and specifications contained in the technical notes. Technical Note 2016.002, version 1.42 specifies the necessary adjustments related to version 4.00. All technical notes relating to NF-e are available in the NF-e national environment. It is enough that the company fulfills all the conditions for the system to work ", he finishes.

To the information of the press office of the government

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