Janaína Paschoal declares her vote to Jair Bolsonaro – Rádio Grande FM 92.1


One of the authors of the impeachment application of President Dilma Rousseff (PT), jurist Janaína Paschoal has declared a vote to MP Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), candidate for the presidency of the Republic in the elections of October.

"Although there are possible differences of thought because thank God, are not the same and we must diverge to mature, today my vote is Jair Bolsonaro.I will vote for him. It is not a vote of tiete, I am not tiete, I am not an activist, "revealed the professor of USP (University of São Paulo) in an interview with YouTube channel Rafael Zucco

"Who is the candidate who most favors the continuity of the debugging process?" Today, it is Bolsonaro, so my vote is his, just see the fear that everyone is his, "he continued.

Affiliated with the PSL, Janaína was considered to leave as vice in the plate of Bolsonaro. It is also cited for Senate and House seats.

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