Iran announces plan to circumvent US economic sanctions


Tehran promises to defeat attempts by the United States to prevent its oil revenues. Trump claims collaboration with Riyadh, in addition to attacking OPEC and threatening European companies to do business with Iran The Iranian government announced Sunday (01/07) that it will allow private companies to export domestic crude oil with the aim of bypbading it

The country also urged other countries of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), including the United States. Saudi rival, to maintain the agreement to speed up the production, signed in June.

"We want to defeat US efforts […] to stop Iran's oil exports," said First Vice President Eshagh Jahangiri on television. "Trump attacks OPEC and Europeans

US President Donald Trump, who withdrew in May from the nuclear agreement between world powers P5 + 1 and Iran, promised that "the Iranian government has a plan"

by November, his country will again impose economic sanctions on Tehran.

The Jahangiri announcement comes a day after Trump has said on Twitter that Saudi Arabia had agreed to increase its exports "maybe up to 2 million barrels" in order to make up the deficit "because of the turmoil and dysfunction in Iran and in Venezuela. "

Jahangiri reacted derisively to the comments of the American:" They are begging the Saudis to increase their production, so that if Iran's share diminish, nothing will happen. Is coming to the markets. "

Iranian Oil Minister Bijhan Zanganeh reminded Riyadh that" any increase in production by a member country, in addition to the commitments stipulated in OPEC decisions, […] In turn Trump attacked OPEC in a television interview, accusing him of manipulating the oil markets and warning that "it is better to stop because they protect these countries," he said. many of these countries.

The Republican also threatened to impose sanctions on European companies now doing business with Iran: "Sure, that's what we're going to do, no doubt." -he adds.

AV / afp / rtr


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