Unable to deliver the projects proposed for the railway sector, President Michel Temer, six months after the end of the government, will transfer to the private sector the responsibility of carrying out work deemed strategic. The railway concessionaires will be able to renew the contracts that expire in the middle of the next decade for another 30 years (would be valid until 2057). In return, the companies will build other railways that will then be offered by the government. In return, the Union will drop the subsidies. Two projects of this nature are expected to be announced this Monday at the Investment Partnership Program (IPP) Council meeting: the West Central Integration Railway (Fico), which will be built by Vale, and Ferroanel de São Paulo, for MRS Logística. The total investment will be 9 billion reais, within a maximum of five years.
According to Tarcísio Freitas, coordinator of the PPI project coordination, the Fico project is publicly consulted by the National Agency for Land Transport (ANTT) this month and will then be sent to TCU, which participated in the project. discussion process. In August, Ferroanel will follow the same process
Getulio Vargas Foundation professor (FGV), Armando Castelar, positively badesses the increase in railway participation in the transport matrix, where roads account for 65%. The problem grew in importance this year after the ten-day truckers' strike caused a shortage crisis in the country in May. To date, there is still no definition of the industrial freight rate, which affects the volume carried on the road. Citing data from the World Bank, Mr Castelar says the country can save 0.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) a year if it can transport more goods by train.
During the PPI meeting, the government will approve the National Plan (PNL), according to which the anticipated renewal of the five concessions and the conclusion of the offers (North-South, Ferrogrão and Fiol) announced by the government have the potential to reduce the freight cost in Brazil of 33 billion reais per year. The decline would reflect the increase in railway participation in the transportation matrix to 31%. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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