66% of older women have sex in Brazil


Elma Izai has bad. At the age of 68, she sees no problem talking about the subject, and strange, yes, anyone who considers taboo bad in the elderly. Married for more than three decades, Elma is part of the generation that has revolutionized the role of women in bad: she was 10 years old when the first contraceptive pill appeared on the market in 1960; was 18 when the feminist movement exploded during protests in France;

– I understand that bad is part of happiness – says Elma

– I understand that bad is part of happiness. Jayme Pereira Príncipe also has bad. At the age of 82, he has been widowed for 20 years and has been dating for 14 years. Asked about remarriage projects with his current girlfriend, 59, he responds with humor "not yet". Jayme has spent all her life taking care of food, exercising and sleeping well. He sees a direct relationship with his good disposition for bad. But unlike Elma, the mere fact of being born to a man is already part of a group that has traditionally had more freedom to have bad for longer – and to talk about it freely [19659003Ifin200887%ofmenaged60andoverwerebaduallyactivethisratedroppedtoonly50%amongwomenTheencouragingscenarioisthatthisdisparityhasdeclinedconsiderablyoverthelastdecade:asecondeditionofthesamesurveywithdatacollectedin2016showedthat667%ofthemhadstartedtobadat60orolder

The study is conducted by psychiatrist Carmita Abdo, coordinator of the baduality studies program of the University of São Paulo (USP) and president of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry . She points out that although the first conclusion from the data is that older people generally have bad, "the big changes in these numbers are women."

– The now elderly generation is pioneering in C & # 39; is a generation in which the woman began to work on the outside and acquired a different perception of existence and baduality.

– It's a paradigm shift: it's a radical change in the number of people in the world, less and less, the woman is embarrbaded by the changes in her own body and less and less the less she is ashamed to have bad after the age of 60. Among other reasons, this age is not bad is considered the end of life – she says

Regina Navarro Lins, who is a badologist, psychobadyst and writer, choir with Carmita. According to her, these women are the result of a badual revolution:

– There has never been such a good time for love and bad as today. today, without a doubt. For a long time, the 40-year-old woman had to "hang up her boots".

Elma Izai's daily life is a picture of this: regular badual relations with her husband are cultivated as a source of pleasure for

– Sexual intercourse is just as important as breakfast we take together or the TV we hug – says Elma, who is also

Regina explains that, because the woman becomes pregnant and the man, no, it has been historically concluded that for them, bad is a pleasure, and, until the 1950s, there was a plethora of pseudo-scientific studies showing that the woman could not feel Women learned that only oh He loves bad , and many have internalized it. Until the 1950s, the woman had to be inert in bed, she could not show that she was enjoying it.

Beyond social construction, there is a marked biological difference between men and women with regard to the longevity of badual relations. While the hormonal production of man is maintained without major changes throughout life – from age 40 he only loses 1% of his testosterone a year – the woman faces a sudden drop in his estrogen at 50 years old. through menopause. This causes his libido, in general, to decrease.

However, this can not be considered a "sentence" for them to stop doing it. bad, says Carmita Abdo. Just as there is penile implant, Viagra and other drugs to circumvent the main problem of older men – erectile dysfunction – for women there is a hormonal replacement and a number of creams that increase badl lubrication.

"It's a mistake to consider menopause as the end of bad," says the psychiatrist. – Today, women have more resources to have bad without feeling pain.

For this, however, it is important that there be greater freedom between doctors and patients for such a thing to happen. At a consultation, for example, only 15% of women over 50 take the initiative to talk about bad and what needs to be done to improve it. This is also given in the latest edition of the research conducted by Carmita Abdo. What is even more striking is that, when asked if they wanted the doctor to address the subject, two-thirds of them said yes.

For men, the situation is a bit more "natural": according to the study, they usually go to a so-called routine consultation and leave in the end the questions about bad. Research shows that half of men over the age of 50 take the initiative to talk to the doctor. The other half does not, but uses drugs alone, since they are sold over the counter – as opposed to hormone replacement therapy for women, which requires the downstream of A professional.

Geriatrician Yung Castro, of Unigran medicine, also observes in the daily practice of the cabinet that, although very young, the woman goes to the doctor more often and takes better care than the man, it is he who seeks the most health professionals for bad

– Many older men come to the office saying that they have a new girlfriend and do not want to show l & # 39; impotence. The relationship of the man with his genitália is a relation of power. He does not want to have a medium erection because he feels less man. He wants to have a complete erection. The man is widowed, but still interested in bad. Even among women, although this has changed in recent years, with the feminist revolution, there is still a lot of idea that bad only applies if it is reproductive or in love. Sex by bad, simply because it's a good thing, no, "he says.

The doctor says he will try to put this issue first in consultations.

– Not to discuss the subject of bad with the patient is not a complete evaluation of this person, as this has a great impact on the quality of life – comments Castro.


And How Does It Affect The Brazilian Society of Geriatrics confirms that older men who have bad are less likely to suffer from depression, thanks to greater release of endorphin during This same endorphin is responsible for the oxygenation of the organs, which improves their functioning.There are also scientific studies showing that satisfactory bad contributes to neurogenesis, which is the formation of new neurons. , bad would have the opposite effect of depression, which destroys nerve cells.

According to Yung Castro, there is no age limit for having bad. He points out that this is defined, individually, by three barriers: the social, the hormonal and the mechanical. The latter is usually due to mobility difficulties due to the disease. But for him, the most difficult barrier to overcome is the social, because it affects the way of thinking:

– The libido begins in the brain. There are also cultural variations that depend on the country where the elderly live.

There are also cultural variations that depend on the country where the elderly live. For example, the bad indices for the elderly in Brazil are much higher than those in the Anglo-Saxon countries of the Northern Hemisphere, such as the United States. An American study published in May this year shows that the rate of badually active people aged 65 to 80 is 40%. The National Survey on Healthy Aging at the University of Michigan does not distinguish between men and women in these data, but reveals that 18% of men surveyed and only 3% of women say they have taken medications or supplements to improve their function. in the last two years.

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