Instagram tests the persistent format of the Stories bar


Instagram started this week testing a new display format for the Stories bar, which can stay on the screen all the time. This persistent behavior has emerged without alerting users of the application on the Android operating system and would be a way for the social network to give even more importance to ephemeral publications that only last 24 hours .

Today, they appear every time the software is open, on top of everything and before the first posted publication. Theoretically, this is the first thing the user sees when he starts Instagram, but he also lets himself be outdistanced as soon as he takes the first roll of the screen. This, apparently, is not very interesting for the company.

In a statement, the company just confirmed that the tests are ongoing, not to mention the scope of the experiments or the percentage of its total users. However, there is no current test report on iPhones, with only Android phones, such as the Pixel 2 XL, where the novelty was noticed by a reporter on The Verge website, being the # 1 One of the chosen models

Test format in which the stories accompany the scrolling of the screen (Image: Reproduction / The Verge)

The persistent display of the Stories bar can be interesting, mainly to increase the format display. As there is always time on the screen, the idea is to give more visibility to creators of this type, contrary to what is happening today, since such publications do not are accessible only by the top or by each profile followed, either by entering each one or by clicking on the small display avatar that appears on the posted images.

However, persistent elements in the display may seem awkward, especially for users of devices with smaller screens. Today, for example, the top bar of Instagram features the company logo, access to IGTV and the inbox, as well as stories. There are few elements, but already enough so that the first image of the roll, for example, is not displayed in an integral way, being cut off by the foot and with the available textual description only lower

can then observe the images on the screen become even more difficult. But, after all, that's what the tests are for. Instagram has not touched on the subject, but by trying a resource in this category, perhaps looking for comments and, primarily, telemetry on a possible increase in viewing stories as a result of this novelty. To find out if it worked or not, all that remains is to wait for the application (or not) of the novelty.

Source: The Verge

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