The link with suicide prevention becomes free throughout the country


Up to 188 years old, people who suffer from anxiety, depression or who are at risk of suicide speak to the volunteers of the institution and are counseled

Links to the Center of Life badessment (CVV), which helps prevent suicide, has become free throughout the country. A technical cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Health, signed in 2017, allowed free access to the service, provided by telephone. 188.

Suicide: more than 800 attempts were recorded this year in the Federal District
Every month, ten people commit suicide in the Federal District

In number, people who suffer from anxiety, Depression or who are at risk of suicide speak with volunteers from the institution and are advised. Prior to that, the service was charged and provided through 141.

The free connection to the CVV began to be implanted in Santa Maria (RS) four years ago after the Kiss nightclub fire who killed 242 young people. The center has been in existence for 55 years and has more than 2,000 volunteers working in the field of suicide prevention. The badistance is also provided in person, by email or by chat.

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