Diabetes represents a serious health problem for the individual and the population, not only because of the overall increase in its frequency, which reaches epidemic proportions, but also because of debilitating complications that it can cause. According to a report published by the Ministry of Health, 406,452 people were killed in Brazil between 2010 and 2016. In 2016, 61,398 Brazilians were victims of the chronic disease.
In Brazil, about 13 million people have diabetes. Food is indicated as one of the main culprits for the advancement and fate of the disease. Wheat and industrialized products are the main targets of debate among health professionals. Widely consumed, according to researchers, these foods are filled with a sugar called amylopectin, which raises blood sugar more than regular sugar. These elevations of blood sugar over time lead to what is called insulin resistance, an inflammatory disease that predisposes to type 2 diabetes and other diseases.
For the President of the National Institute for the Study of Obesity and Chronic Disease) and author of the book "Diabetes Controlled: The Diabetes Control Program and Back to Life" Dr. Patrick Rocha, the current approach in the treatment of diabetics remains very problematic in Brazil because it focuses on drug treatment and ignores studies and more recent scientific evidence dealing with dietary habits that compromise treatment. According to him, the most important aspect for the prevention and treatment of the disease is food.
"The treatment of diabetic patients is not only about prescribing drugs, but also about dietary education and research actions.Many patients see their cases compounded by the lack of information, which leads to increasing drug dosages and other complications and changes are underway in this direction.This week, the UK's National Health Service officially approved the low-carbohydrate diet program. for diabetics Low carbohydrate style helps the patient control their blood sugar, lose weight and decrease their dependency on drugs, "says Dr. Patrick Rocha
The United Kingdom has two dedicated non-governmental organizations Diabetes UK (www.diabetes.org.uk), and a more recent one, 2007, which adopted the has a low carbohydrate strategy in recent years, the World Diabetes Community (www.diabetes.co.uk). In June of this year, the World Diabetes Community Type 2 Diabetes Management and Reversal Program received official approval from the NHS, the UK's National Health Service. With this, the therapeutic strategy has gained official support, and can now be offered to diabetics by primary health care professionals in the country.
In line with the latest studies, Rocha is one of the pioneers in the debate in Brazil. has faced severe criticism of the dietary strategy that proposes a shift in dietary approach for diabetics.
"A five-decade old diet in Brazil is practiced in Brazil, with a lack of guidance on all aspects of diabetic and pre-diabetic health. Although we see the coming change. As many people think it's not just refined white sugar that can increase blood glucose levels. Foods that are high in carbohydrates such as breads, pastas, cakes, in addition to processed foods, have to high doses of sugar in their composition and must be removed from the list of foods eaten.It is time to rethink dietary habits, "says the doctor
Discover the live of the doctor Patrick Rocha talking about the resistance to the Insulin: http://bit.ly/2tEgrYm
Website: http: // bit.ly/2tEgrYm
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