Simone, who has directed solo shows since Simaria left the scene due to health problems, spent nearly three days in a spiritual retreat in Belo Horizonte. "It coincided with the fact that I was doing a show that gave 50 minutes of flight. I was going to do a concert on Friday, and I was fixing the date correctly, because I would leave at 2:00 pm. The show was midnight. at home, because we also need to heal our souls. And I went there, "he says backstage at VillaMix Goiânia:" I need to be a light where I go. she saw me on the stage and did not know who I was, because she was not watching TV, she sent me to her room, she said that it was 39, was a glory, God told him to mock me in his belly, it was supernatural. If I could put the world inside this place, I would heal so many wounds in the soul. "
Simaria returns to work soon
Simone also revealed the date of her sister's return, treating a tuberculous lymph node diagnosed in April." Come on, let me give you very good news, c & # 39; is close to the return of Simaria, it is scheduled for 9 August. Get ready, Brazil, because your most beloved clbadmates are coming back! "He exclaimed
(19459006) Patricia Dias )
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