Workbench presents changes to LDO for water resources


Even with the partial approval of the rapporteur, Senator Dalirio Beber (PSDB / SC), the National Congress Office of the Rio Grande do Norte has sent three amendments to the law on the budget guidelines of the government. Union for 2019, including two in the Water Resources Zone aims at the continuity of the works of the Oiticica dam and the construction of the axis of integration of the São Francisco River transposition, through the Piranhas-Açu and Apodi rivers, in the western region of Rio Grande do Norte.

  Senator Dalirio Beber wrote the report on the budget guidelines

Senator Dalirio Beber wrote the report on the Budget Guidelines Bill

An amendment included in the plan Goals of the Federal Government continue pavement adaptation works at the entrance to the BR-304 and 101, called Reta Tabajara, in the municipality of Macaíba, in the Natal Metropolitan Region (NMR) , and is not taxed.

Five parliamentarians from Rio Grande do Norte did not submit proposals – Senator Garibaldi Filho (MDB) and MPs Antonio Jácome (Can), Fábio Farias (PSD), Felipe Maia (DEM) and [19659005] Among the individual amendments, three parliamentarians – Senator Fatima Bezerra and deputies Rafael Motta (PSB) and Beto Rosado (PP) also proposed the addition of goals to the construction of the axis transposition of the São Francisco River.

The LDO report that guides the development of the General Budget of the Union for next year will be voted tomorrow at the National Congress. A total of 1,910 amendments were sent, of which 31 were drafted by Senators and Members of Parliament

The amendments provide for the continuity or inclusion of new projects in the financial planning of the budget expenditures of the Parliament. Union, which will be presented to Congress in the second half.

After the vote of the report, at the meeting of the Mixed Budget Commission (CMO), the draft law will be sent to a plenary vote of the Chamber of Deputies from July 5 and the following federal Senate.

The government's goal is to vote for the LDO and to ensure that Congress can legally enact its suspension on July 17, by suspending the processing time of the 23 interim measures underway.


individual amendments were tabled, of which 21 were accepted, most of them partially.

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