The launch of Saturday's rocket at Fortnite left us with more questions than answers, and now a new question is: Why are the cracks growing?
Yesterday, the user Reddit Discount_Pringles posted a screen shot which showed that the flaw that had been affected by the launch of the rocket was increasing, and apparently, is not the only one .
Although this is most obvious because it was the point of impact, flaws also appeared around the game card after the release. The USGamer kept a watchful eye on these flaws in the Lonely Lodge section of the Fortnite map, realizing that they are also expanding.
Epic Games spent more than two weeks with a tease – probably something related to a rocket – for this weekend. Nobody knows exactly what all this means, but it is certainly badociated with the news of the fifth season, which begins July 12.
From here, stay tuned for IGN, and do not miss to check out our interactive map Fortnite (Season 4)
Aníbal Gonçalves is a gaming enthusiast video, pbadionate about video games, pbadionate about video games and pbadionate about video games. comic book lover and obsessed with what's happening in a distant galaxy. You can follow him on @Darthyo
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