While Vivo remains the isolated leader in the mobile access market, Claro and TIM have always fought for the second position, but the different approaches of the operators have placed one of the biggest. them in a more comfortable position to be considered a vice-leader. Although they are all involved in the intense job of cleaning the Eletropaulo positions, operators differentiate themselves both by the approach of capture and innovation for customers: Claro, for example, In economic strategies, the Italian preferred to focus on users of more robust financial profiles and increase their base of control and control, while the operator of America Movil group since the late last year launched more aggressive.
The data that shows this come from Anatel, which published today (02) its monthly furniture access report to Brazil, referring to the month of May. We see that TIM has disabled 438 thousands of access alone, while its biggest competitors had a positive balance: Vivo with 27 thousand new lines, Claro with 64 thousand, and Oi with 38 thousand
With that, Claro Now has a small advantage to be considered the second largest operator on the market, with a share of 25.08%. TIM is right behind with 24.25% against 24.41% in April. Fourth, we have Oi, with 16.51%. The isolated leader is Vivo, with 31.90%.
It should be remembered that because they have different market strategies at the moment, the fall of TIM does not necessarily mean that it does not reach its objectives, already
In 4G accesses in May, the technology was joined by 3 million new lines, totaling 115 million devices connected via operators in this mode of access. For comparison purposes, in the same month of 2017 were 77 million.
Meanwhile, 3G continues to fall more than 2G itself, losing 2.7 million connections compared to 990,000. Pasmem there is still 370 access via CDMA in the country
And you, what do you think of the different strategies adopted by Claro and TIM? Are you satisfied with the coverage and service of your service provider? Tell us in the comments!
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