Two women involved in an accident occurred Saturday night (7) Sunday (8), at Km. 18 of CE-085, died this Sunday (8) at the Instituto Medico José Frota () IJF ), at Fortaleza.
One of the victims, the 14-year-old girl, was transported to the Caucaia Municipal Hospital but, because of the severity of her injuries, she was referred at the IFJ. The deaths of the mother and daughter, identified as Gleyce Rodrigues and Quezia Balbino, were confirmed by the hospital press office.
In the Northeast Journal the Press Office reports that both mother and daughter have the necessary rescue procedures, such as resuscitation, but they die around midnight and one in the morning [19659004] The bodies of Gleyce Rodrigues and Quezia Balbino were referred to the Forensic Expertise of the State of Ceará ( Pefoce ), who is responsible for the autopsy that will allow to identify the causes of death, through an expert report (19459011) A Ford Model Ranger vehicle, rolled at kilometer 18 of CE-085, says Structural Highway at dawn this Saturday (7) for Sunday (8). According to Daily TV a 56-year-old woman died on the scene.
The vehicle was arriving at high speed, near the location of the Garrot, in the municipality of Caucaia and struck the back of a Fiat, model of Siena, who had stopped in the shoulder, before falling over. A third car, Chevrolet, model Celta, was also involved in the accident and skidded on the track.
According to the authorities present, the Ranger fell into a cbad, which made it difficult to rescue the people involved in the accident. . Part of the collision is considered a high risk for vehicles to travel at high speed.
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