After the sons of British professor Robert Kelly stole the stage from their father, who was speaking live to the BBC News newspaper, it is now the turn of a cat to repeat the dose and talk about it. invade the scene during the interview of its owner
The fact happened with Polish political scientist and professor Jerzy Targalski this Saturday (7/7). Speaking of the political situation in Poland for the Dutch broadcaster NTR, one of his cats decided to climb on his shoulder
The animal then begins to curl up in the teacher, who continues to talk like if anything, it was. According to the British Daily Mail newspaper, the cat named Lisio and was sitting at a table next to the university – but decided to explore new places to take a nap.
Lisio still licks Targalski's hair and puts the tail in front of the teacher's face, who pulled him out quickly and kept talking. In the background, it is still possible to see another cat enter the room to see what happens.
The video with the whole situation was shared by journalist and journalist Rudy Bouma on his Twitter. Jerzy Targalski was completely unfazed during our interview when this happened pic.twitter.com/4dLi16Pq1H
– Rudy Bouma (@rudybouma July 7, 2018
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