Kelly Ventorim / Semagro
Vaccination of the herd against foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis was only extended to the Pantbad region
In response to a request from breeders in the region of the Pantbad, the Rural Union of Corumbá and the Federation of Agriculture of Mato Grosso do Sul (Famasul) was extended by the ordinance of the National Agency for Animal Health Protection and vegetable (Iagro) published in the Official Journal (DOE) – vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis in this area.
Due to flooding in the Pantbad area, which makes it impossible to properly manage the flock for FMD vaccination on schedule, the vaccination period for the animals has changed until July 30, 2018. The period for the registration of vaccination in the system was also extended to August 15.
Similarly, and for the same reasons, IAGRO has also extended vaccination against brucellosis in the Pantbad region. Herders have until August 15 to vaccinate and register vaccination in the system.
The decision does not extend to vaccination in the properties of health regions of Plateau and Border, which had until June 15 for the period of vaccination and registration in the system up to June 30th.
According to the CEO of IAGRO, Luciano Chiochetta, who in the first half of this year was in Bolivia, Paris and recently in Cuiabá, discussing actions for the definitive withdrawal of vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease in Brazil , Mato Grosso South Brazil fulfills its role by ensuring excellent numbers and will maintain the average, which is greater than 99% of the vaccinated herd.
Mato Grosso do Sul
The national flock adds 21 million head of cattle and buffalo and the goal of the state government is to vaccinate 99% of animals, although health organizations must reach at least 80%.
Ensure that the goal of herd vaccination is important FMD with vaccination, that the country has recently conquered and that should expand the range of business opportunities with Brazilian beef, which now reaches 150 countries.
Mato Grosso do Sul has a herd of cattle (he reduced the pasture area by two million hectares, but maintains the slaughter volume), is a leader in the & [[[[[[[[[[[[[[slaughtercalvesuntiltheageof24monthsandhasprovenitsquality
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