Mirror of Life: Gustavo Bruno plans to separate Julia and Danilo


<img alt = "" Mirror of Life ": João Vicente de Castro is Gustavo Bruno in the past (" Globo / Victor Pollak ")" height = "424" src = "https: //s2.glbimg. com / zl-Lu4xup9_-5qv_enUdjh5Slgs =========================================== ============= to through the – cr. cards (Photo: Globo / Victor Pollak)

Gustavo Bruno & # 39; Mirror of Life & # 39; : João Vicente de Castro is Gustavo Bruno in the past (João Vicente de Castro) will separate Julia (Vitória Strada) and Danilo (Rafael Cardoso) in the next chapters of " The Mirror of Life ." marquis will have the help of his brother, Otavio, I was able to enter the home of Colonel Eugenio Castelo (Felipe Camargo) I approached his daughter, Julia, a beautiful young woman and naïve – says Gustavo Bruno.

This time it's different, it's a different story.I'm delighted with Julia.Of course, with the fortunes of the castle, also

Gustavo Bruno will then say that Julia is in love with Danilo and will explain his plan, but the public will not know what it is.

[196459011] Alain will be rejected by his daughter

Cree will be moved after having bad with Danilo [19659003]

Later, Otávio will meet Danilo and it will be obvious that the two have known each other for some time. The two will have a brief conversation and then Gustavo's ally will tell him what happened:

– He is still as naive as ever, it will be very easy to manipulate our friend.

That's what I'm waiting for. I know Danilo better than you. As soon as you feel threatened, this beautiful mask will fall. It's a matter of time, my brother, "replied the Marquis.


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