Men Feel the Damage Caused by Neglected Health on the Skin – Horizons


The resistance of old men to regular visits to doctors' offices could result in 2018 leading to more than 42,000 new cases of skin cancer among them in the country. The numbers refer to the type of non-melanoma, the most common, caused by abnormal and uncontrolled growth of the cells that make up the dermis.

However, the maxim that "prevent is better than cure" remains valid and can save lives. Experts stress 90% of the chances of recovery if the disease is discovered early.

The alert is reinforced this month, with the arrival of summer. At this point, the sun exposure is the most obvious. Trips to the coast, because of the holidays, are also common.

Coordinated by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), the December Orange campaign aims to raise public awareness of the need for disease prevention. Of all the malignant tumors registered in the country, 30% are skin cancers.

Doctors note that minor staining, minor imperfections, allergies, and seemingly harmless dermal changes may indicate problems. Signs and symptoms are lesions that usually appear in areas such as the face, neck, and forearms.

Orange December seeks to raise awareness of the need to prevent disease


Neglected by many people in the According to dermatologists, sunscreen is one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer. For the product to be effective, strictly follow the instructions for use.

The sun protection factor (SPF) should be at least 30 and the application should be performed about 20 minutes before sun exposure, two to three times a day. "Those who go to the beach must increase the SPF by at least 50%, reapply the time protector in the most exposed areas.The attention is doubled for those who have lighter skin and lots of spots and spots, "said dermatologist Teresa Noviello of SBD.

Periodic monitoring with a specialist helps to identify a tumor at an early stage.Treatment varies from surgical intervention, in case of non-melanoma, to chemotherapy, when the disease is advanced.

"Self-examination is very important, but it is essential to seek the dermatologist for the correct treatment of lesion removal and palliative care with corticosteroid creams, "Teresa explains.

Melanoma is another type of dermal tumor, more aggressive and potentially fatal


If on the one hand men are not do not occupy themselves, the s female exe does not dispense with prevention. They are also targets of the disease: this year, about 40,000 people are expected to develop a non-melanoma type of tumor, according to the National Cancer Institute (Inca).

"Women are more accepting of medical appointments and follow-ups, they are seeking more treatment and are also taking the prescription of photoprotection (strategies to reduce sun damage) seriously," says dermatologist Gisele Viana, also a member of SBD. .

Since 2017, the skincare routine is part of the life of the artistic director Raquel Almeida, 24 years old. She added that the precautionary measures had been intensified when she had started working on outdoor recordings requiring longer exposure to the sun.

According to Rachel, it was necessary to protect her face and tattoos. "In addition, my grandfather had melanoma and had identified genetic factors related to the disease, so that the care was improved," he says.

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