A Brazilian researcher extradited and arrested in Russia with ayahuasca arrives in Recife | Pernambuco


After more than two years in prison in Russia, Eduardo Chianca, a Paraguayan researcher, was extradited to Recife, where he resided prior to his arrest at the Moscow airport.

In August 2016, he was arrested for drug trafficking by wearing four bottles of ayahuasca, tea used in therapies and rituals, containing dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a substance considered illegal by law from the foreign country.

"They [a Rússia] refused to pbad the test proving that it was ayahuasca, that is, to infringe the right of the citizen to ask the state to help prove his innocence.If I'm going to do that, I do not know it.it's something that my intuition will say later, "said Chianca to her arrival in the capital of Pernambuco.

The investigator was sentenced to six and a half years of imprisonment, but his sentence was halved. "I treated this prison as a spiritual retreat.At this two-year period, I had a mandatory spiritual retreat and three books on the human being, spirituality and healing, and I I have a decoding of the Apocalypse, which is the last book of the Bible.It has 17 pages and I have written more than 500, "said the researcher.

According to communications advisor to the Federal Police (PF) Giovani Santoro, Chianca will execute the rest of his sentence in Brazil because of a bilateral agreement between the two countries.

  Chianca is in custody at the Federal Police Headquarters, in the district of Recife, before appearing in federal court - Photo: Reproduction / TV Globo   Chianca is in custody at the police headquarters Federal in Recife District before Chianca is in custody at the headquarters of the Federal Police, in the district of Recife, before being heard by a federal court - Photo: Reproduction / TV Globo

Chianca is on guard at view at the police headquarters "In these agreements, if there is in our country a sentence compatible with the sentence imposed by the other country, it is asked to the Federal Court of Justice, in the district of Recife , before proceeding to a hearing in the Federal Court – Photo: Reproduction / TV Globo

the country of origin of the defendant.

The plane with Chianca posed at the international airport of Recife / Guararapes – Gilberto Freyre, in Imbiribeira, in the area South of Brazil (19659011) After pbading a crime examination at the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML), in the district of Santo Amaro, in the center of Recife, was taken to the police headquarters in the district of Recife, also in the center of the city, where he remains in detention. On his arrival, he read magazines containing information about the country. PF also announced that Eduardo Chianca would spend Friday (7) in a hearing before the 36th Federal Court of Pernambuco, which will decide whether to serve his sentence in liberty or not.

In the case of the Russian judge who authorized According to the federal police, the extradition includes the transfer of the researcher to Judge Antônio Luiz Lins de Barros (Pjallb), in the Curado complex, in the western area of ​​Recife.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s02.video.glbimg.com/x720/5294945.jpg" alt = "Brazilian investigator arrested in Russia accused of trafficking

Brazilian investigator arrested in Russia accused of trafficking

Considered illegal by Russian law, but approved in Brazil by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a substance with psychedelic effects belonging to the group tryptamine, similar to serotonin.It is the active ingredient in ayahuasca and is used in the rituals of Santo Daime.

The researcher traveled to Europe at the invitation of scientists and d & # 39; University, after crossing Russia, gave lectures in Ukraine, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Spain, from where he would return Brazil, October 17 last

Electronics Engineer, Chianca left a career in the field to pursue holistic therapies, a technique that has earned him international recognition: the frequency of light, which establishes diagnoses from the reading of the chakras and their equilibrium.

In court, before being found guilty, the researcher said that he did not know that tea could not be used in Russia. In September of this year, the Russian courts authorized the transfer of paraibano to Brazil to serve the remainder of the sentence.

The transfer to Brazil was requested by Chianca himself, his relatives and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even President Michel Temer intervened in the case. In October 2016, at a dinner opening of a BRICS meeting in India, he asked the Russian delegation to re-examine the case of the investigator.

  Eduardo Chianca was arrested at the Moscow Airport, Russia - Photo: Facebook / Reproduction "title =" Eduardo Chianca was arrested at the Moscow Airport, Russia - Photo: Facebook / Reproduction " src = "data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAVABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGBwMECP / EABYBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEAv / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABZxGzEMNLKp5BoaDJPAd6l6cBh // EAB4QAAEEAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAgMFARMRFBUW / z 9oACAEBAAEFAp7QvEhlqQ4 + + + zla0HcQsC8n2ownqXtTmBa0QRK dh6rMyMtNbV / 8QAGhEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQADEQIhcf / aAAgBAwEBPwGtPfkGWdPOZLFQ2f / EABkRAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRUf / aAAgBAgEBPwF5l5 GUqu9IlI + // 8QAJxAAAQMDAgQHAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDEQAEEhMhIjNBURAxMlJhkZL / 2gAIAQEABj8CMJCgPaiaaLajkpQx4oFXOKwFYHGDXMc / VXKlcvLFJ771btLaTlEefXptSLi2nSEpWjttsfDBDimdQpnTMCT1iiXXFuuqE5qpDWqrgdEGfmvSPqv / x AAeEAACAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFRkfFxwf / aAAgBAQABPyES74ofQ4gctqJNgjiZt3rSVSnr4oyAwjRtVHQXYhJ0POS26AZV7sMEyOL / ACNweoOvKYQCjQ5u4VgwciX4ijsnPHT / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEFLI4f / EABkRAAMB AQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABESExYf / aAAgBAwEBPxBPSrolSQeYuD19H // EABoRAAMBAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABESExUcH / 2gAIAQIBAT8QZjfFItUZzdG7i69P / 8QAIBABAQACAgICAwAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBUcFx8IHR8f / aAAgBAQABPxAB4Nuctws1yZD6UGAFdaUee28Y7FBJLdS1bJN59d94p2GCpgFJsSDPJj7AABrQaivJN / ODNWI5loF6EHH8R + sk / UjU0ABrfePMo6FUQbU8qvhMGOJ00uRnX5z6N6z / 2Q == "/> <picture itemscope=   Eduardo Chianca was arrested in the & # 39; Moscow airport, Russia - Photo: Eduardo Chianca was stopped at Moscow airport in Russia - Photo: Facebook / Playback "date-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/JOr8aJ_8I0eNRkrRywXFraspyqQ=/0x57:960x863/984x0/smart </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Eduardo Chianca was stopped at Moscow airport, Russia – Photo: Facebook / Reproduction

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