On the eve of Flamengo elections, know who are the targets of the situation and the opposition | Flemish


The day of the election that will define the red-black president in the next three years, Flamengo football lives uncertain days. The two main plates move behind the scenes and are attentive to the market. However, still without a pen, wait for the outcome of the trial to advance the negotiations and close them.

The situations are well advanced. And before the announcement of a player, the first definition will be that of coach.

Abel is the favorite, but the situation is evaluated by Dorival

Abel Braga is a favorite for this post . The coach has been meeting with members of the boards of directors of Ricardo Lomba and Rodolfo Landim and has advanced discussions with the opposition candidate. The name also appeals to the situation, which leads him to believe that he will be the Flamengo coach in 2019. There is in the Lomba group that represents the continuity of Dorival Junior.

  Abel Braga is the strongest name to take against Flamengo, but the permanence of Dorival is not excluded - Photo: EDU ANDRADE / FATOPRESS / ESTADÃO CONTENT   is Abel Braga A stronger name to take against Flamengo , but the stay of Dorival is not excluded - Photo: EDU ANDRADE / FATOPRESS / ESTADÃO CONTENT Abel Braga is the most powerful name against Flamengo, but the permanence of Dorival is not excluded – Photo: EDU ANDRADE / FATOPRESS / ESTADÃO CONTENT

Abel refused Santos' proposal to wait for Flamengo. During the week, Vasco internally debated the desire to have Abel Braga for next year in the place of Alberto Valentim. And he almost made an emotional appeal to Abelão to try to get hired, but that's not the case. The coach gives priority to Rubro-Negro and waits for the outcome of the elections.

Advanced Conversations with Rodriguinho

Who advanced the agreement is Rodriguinho . Both forums are negotiating to have the former Corinthians player, who should not stay at Pyramids FC, Egypt. The investment would rise to $ 4 million and the parties are already discussing the way forward. Bruno Henrique of Santos is also supervised by both groups.

Monitoring the situation Rodrigo Caio and Pablo

Even with an indeterminate permanence, Dorival was consulted on the program for 2019. He for example approved the hiring of Rodrigo Caio. The player must not stay in Morumbi. The name appeals to the council that monitors the defender of Sao Paulo and is waiting for the elections to go ahead.

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<p clbad= Location looking for information about Rodrigo Caio – Photo: Rubens Chiri / saopaulofc.net

Situation similar to that of Pablo . Flamengo has contacted Atlético-PR, has expressed interest and studied to offer between 5 and 7 million euros by the attacker.

In addition to Abel Braga, members of the opposition plaque spoke with Alessandro, leader of Corinthians . However, of course, so far, only the return of Gabriel Skinner, who worked in the club during the first three years of Eduardo Bandeira.

   - Photo: Disclosure    - Photo: Divulgação

– Photo: Divulgação

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