Auditor in Roraima: the priority will be to pay wages – 08/12/2018 – Everyday life


Roraima's elected governor, Antonio Denarium (PSL), appointed federal state controller by President Michel Temer on Friday night (7), said his priority would be to pay employees' salary arrears. , the servers will receive in the next few days. The federal government is committed to cleaning up the government Roraima's accounts, "said Denarium.

The state faces a crisis in security and management compounded by the recent closure of government officials public security, lack of financial control and tension related to the mbadive influx of Venezuelan immigrants

This week, military police battalions were closed by military women to protest the payment of their wages, with three months late.

Denarium, who played the role of speaker on Saturday (8), said that the federal government would make a contribution in the form of resources to the l 39; State in the coming days, on the basis of a stimulus

Denarium argued that employees paralyzed or about to go on strike were waiting to be paid in the coming days. [19659003] The idea is that values ​​help pay the debts and wages of functionalism. "It is important to remember that it is not necessary [de paralisação]," he said.

The new auditor will meet with Temer in Brasilia to define the details of the plan next Tuesday (11). takes the place of current Governor Suely Campos (PP), which was reported by Temer on Friday night in power. It has not yet been publicly manifested.

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