Bolsonaro says that he may have been wrong not to declare his IR loan | New


Jair Bolsonaro said Saturday (8) that he may have been wrong not to report in income tax the sums of money deposited in his wife's account by a former advisor to his son, Flávio Bolsonaro. The transaction is contained in a report by the Financial Control Board. The Coaf has reported several suspicious transactions involving advisors to the son of the elected president.

Jornal Nacional learned that nine employees of the Legislative Assembly of Rio, who worked in the offices of Flávio Bolsonaro, had deposited money on behalf of his former driver, Fabrício de Queiroz.

In total, these advisers transferred $ 184,000,000 to Fabrício between January 2016 and March 2017. More than half of the value came from the account of one of his daughters, Nathalia Melo de Queiroz.

The names of the other daughter of Fabrício, Evelyn Melo de Queiroz and the wife of Márcia Oliveira Aguiar are also mentioned. In addition to them: Agostinho Moraes da Silva, Jorge Luís de Souza, Luiza Souza Paes, Raimunda Veras Magalhães, Wellington Rômulo da Silva and Marcia Cristina Nascimento dos Santos.

Some of the information contained in the report draws attention. Nathalia was exonerated from Flávio Bolsonaro's office at the Rio Assembly on December 12, 2016. The same day, her sister, Evelyn, was hired to fill the vacancy.

The federal prosecutor's office finds that the next day, the amounts processed in their father's account increase. Looting reached $ 58,000 in six days.

The report indicates that the value of the transactions remained high between January and March 2017. According to the Coaf, the withdrawals in fractions amount to 49 000 rand and indicate an attempt to deceive the control bodies.

Nathalia did not remain without charge. She was appointed parliamentary secretary to the Brasilia office, now chaired by then-president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who was then a federal MP.

Next to the name of Nathalia, the report indicates transfers made by her for an amount of R $ 84,000. In total, transactions considered suspicious by Coaf amounted to R $ 1.2 million.

This report was commissioned by the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office during Operation Furna da Onça, who arrested ten deputies from Rio in November.

The former parliamentary secretary, current wife of Jair Bolsonaro, Michele de Paula Bolsonaro, was favored. His account received R $ 24,000.

On Friday (7), Jair Bolsonaro told The Antagonist website that the deposit constituted the payment of a debt that his friend Fabrício de Queiroz owed him and that the value was even greater, namely 40,000 R $.

Saturday (8), at a graduation ceremony at the Naval Academy of Rio de Janeiro, the president-elect declared that he was friend with Fabrício de Queiroz for 34 years and that he had helped financially at other times.

"There are indications that justice will add further guidance to reach the conclusion, whether he is found guilty or not, he will be judged with certainty".

Bolsonaro came back to explain the deposit in the woman's account.

"In Queiroz's account, I have nothing to say, I do not know the account of Queiroz.It was at my wife's place, you can consider in mine, that's n '. was not in my account because of my lack of mobility, I am always busy going to the bank.You can consider it on my account. "

" Mr. President, why not declare the "money"? income tax"?

"The loan has gone up, I can not go from one year to another, plus R $ 10,000, but R $ 15,000 .If I was wrong … it was increase the If I'm wrong, if I'm wrong, I'm under the responsibility of the tax authorities, no problem at all. "

" Did you even talk to Flávio about the fact that seven employees from his office had made deposits in Fabrizio's account? "

"If you take your friendship cycle in the press, in a barracks, in a hospital, it is normal for these employees to help you, it is normal for this to happen. was no different in the House, in the Legislative Assembly.We get the help of people who are on the side and not third.

"You justify this by talking about hiring Fabrício girls in your office."

"It is natural that when someone is exonerated from the cabinet, it is natural to introduce a competent person to take over and who are often relatives.We have 14 million unemployed in Brazil, this is not 'has nothing to do with that.'

The president-elect also spoke about the cancellation of the agenda on Friday (7) inside São Paulo. He said that he had changed a medicine, by mistake, and had slept. Therefore, the doctors recommended him to stay at home, at rest.

In a social network, Flávio Bolsonaro reaffirmed this Saturday that he had a clear conscience and that he was not the subject of an investigation. He stated that it was his former legal adviser's duty to provide the prosecution with clarification of the deposits made on his account.

In Parana, Flávio's brother, the deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, said that there should be no interference in the investigation and commented on the death of advisers of the former driver of Flávio to Alerj.

"Sometimes we mix work with friendship, so sometimes it happens to lend money, for example, once one of my consultants has helped me. To help a customer buy my car, it ends up blending in. It's like I said, just wait to see what will happen, what the Coaf will also accuse and, as I said, preserve the investigative power of the Coaf. "

The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office stated that it had opened an investigation into the operations of the ten deputies arrested in the Operation Furna da Onça framework, without specifying however it would open a procedure to deal with the acts committed by the advisers of Flávio Bolsonaro to Alerj.

The prosecution said that it was already investigating the revelations of the Coaf report four months ago. But when Flávio Bolsonaro becomes a senator, this investigation will leave the responsibility of the Attorney General and will be pbaded on to a promoter of the territory. Everything is stealthy.

The JN did not find the former advisers cited in the report.

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