How to walk with the lamp at the waist


This page contains tips on Red Dead Redemption 2 belt equipment on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and is part of the Complete Guide .

Even in the deepest black of the world. In a forest, it is rare for you to remember that you have a lantern in the inventory to illuminate the environment around you. In addition, equipping yourself in the traditional way limits you to one-handed weapons such as revolvers, pistols or big cats, which are not at all effective against the large predators that are found in these areas.

that the protagonist walks with the lamp at the waist and can use any other weapon without being in full measure, as you can see in the picture below.

To do this, you must first find one of the many consumable plants that exist in the world. of the game. Approach the plan, equip it normally and call your horse if he is not at your side. Now, proceed as follows: pick up the plant, and as soon as the character holds the lantern at his waist, get on the horse and immediately equip a weapon with both hands. The lantern will then be unstuck only if you select it in the circular menu.

In Red Dead Online, it is also possible to use the lantern in this way, but the process is different. First, delete an NPC. Then equip the lamp and take the body of the victim. On the shoulder, go to the reader menu (left on the numerical control) and select "Online Options" and "Restore".

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