Bolsonaro receives a second diploma from the TSE confirming the result of the election | Politics


The elected President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) goes to Brasilia on Monday for the graduation ceremony of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), which confirms the outcome of this year's elections.

"Diplomacy" is a ceremony attesting that the candidate has actually been elected by the people and that he is therefore able to take office in January of next year.

The event is scheduled for 4 pm in the TSE plenary. Bolsonaro and his deputy, General Hamilton Mourão (PRTB), will serve from 2019 to 2022.

Retired Army Captain and Member of Parliament since 1991, Bolsonaro was elected 38th President of the Republic by winning the victory. presidential race in the second round on October 28th. He received 57.7 million votes, compared to 47 million candidates for the PT, Fernando Haddad.

The election result ended the PT's four-game winning streak (two with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and two with Dilma Rousseff).

According to the TSE, graduation takes place after the end of the elections, the votes are determined and the deadlines for questioning and processing the election result are exceeded.

To receive the diploma, the elected candidates must register the application and judge the campaign accounts. The TSE itself approved last week, with reservations, the stories of the campaign Bolsonaro and Mourão.

According to the services rendered by Bolsonaro's lawyers, the campaign raised $ 4.3 million and spent $ 2.8 million.

The graduation of Bolsonaro and Mourão is scheduled for 16h. The ceremony will be held during a solemn plenary session of the TSE.

The diplomas of President of the Republic and Vice President are signed by the current President of TSE, Minister Rosa Weber.

The court said that about 700 people had been invited to attend the solemnity. Guests will stay in plenary and two auditoriums.

According to the TSE, Rosa will open the session and will choose two other ministers of the Court to lead Bolsonaro and Mourão to the plenary.

After the execution of the national anthem, the president and the vice president will receive the respective diplomas. In the sequence, Bolsonaro will deliver his speech, followed by Rosa's speech, which will close the ceremony.

Bolsonaro will return to the TSE after announcing on the weekend his intention to send to the National Congress a bill involving changes to the country's voting system through electronic ballot boxes.

The elected president is a former defender of the printed vote, used to verify votes. During the campaign he stated that there was a risk of "fraud" during the elections and even stated that he would not accept a result other than his victory.

"We want a system that can be audited, we want an electronic ballot box that makes sense, if you have suspicions, you have proof," Bolsonaro said Sunday (9).

"A bill modifying a little the form of the vote, as it was a printed vote, but it will have a more updated form than this one", a- he added.

After his election, Bolsonaro went to the TSE and, before the ministers, apologized for having "fluffed" during the campaign. He told reporters that he would submit to the court proposals for changes to the voting system.

Bolsonaro will work in Brasilia until Wednesday (12), according to the opinion of the transitional government.

The elected president will receive the elected governors of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, in addition to PSD, DEM, PSL, PP and PSB deputies.

Bolsonaro began negotiations with the parties last week. Previously, he prioritized conversations with thematic panels. The rural group, for example, has appointed the future Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina (DEM-MS).

  • 10 am: take off from Rio de Janeiro
  • 12h: breakfast Granja do Torto
  • 4 pm: graduation ceremony at the TSE
  • 9 am: meeting with representatives of the military police
  • 10 am: internal dispatches
  • 2.30 pm: meeting with the elected governor of Santa Catarina, commander Moisés (PSL)
  • 4.30 pm: meeting with the PSD bench
  • 9 am: visit to the Tactical Operations Command (TOC) of the Federal Police
  • at 11am with the DEM
  • 12h: lunch of the Aman clbad from 1977 to the army club
  • at 14:30: meeting with the elected governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite (PSDB)
  • PSL bench
  • 16h30: meeting with the bench of the PP
  • 17h30: meeting with the bench of the PSB

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