Asus CEO leaves office and company should refocus on mobile



Jerry Shen, CEO of ASUS, will leave office next year.

According to Shen, it was a decision of "understandable business transformations". It is proposed that Asus be more competitive in the handset market with higher specifications, such as the ROG Phones line, and less with ZenPhones phones.

Shen was in charge for eleven years and was responsible for it. for a series of launches in the company. One of the main participants was the Eee PC, which was one of the main triggers of the netbook market in 2006.

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From now on, he will launch a new startup called iFast, aimed at the B2B applications market of AIoT (acronym for All-in-one-toll), to work on more versatile tools for companies. Asus wants to bring the company on a new path, Asus should have two co-directors. CEO next year. PC Product Manager, S.Y. Hsu and the global director of consumer services Samson Hu. Both are experienced in collaboration, since they also split the COO wave in 2015.

Such changes can be responsible for a high amount for the company. As a result, Asus should introduce more powerful devices, not only in its business area, but also in the future.

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