The body of a 28-year-old former Araraquara (SP) football player was identified by his family on Thursday (13). Wellington Willian was found on Wednesday (12), with his hands tied and a rope tied around his neck, in a shallow grave on a country road in Ribeirão Preto (SP).
The civilian police in both cities are investigating the crime and, for the time being, no one has been arrested.
Body found in a shallow grave
Willian's body, who resided in the district of Jardim Hortênsias, was found by rural workers on the road linking Ribeirão to Jardinópolis, near the Anhanguera highway (SP-330).
A family identifies a former Araraquara football player found dead on a rural road "
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According to police reports, workers who are pbaded by there saw their two hands tied close to the ground and fired the military police.
According to civilian police, a witness said that a four-door and four-person pbadenger truck with four people had was spotted Tuesday night (11) The suspects
According to Willian's sister, he was last seen on Monday (10) after playing football with children participating in a social project that he has maintained in the neighborhood. He has also played in three amateur football teams in the city.
"He threw a small ball with the kids over there, and then went down to his house, left the business of his project there, took a shower, donned a normal suit that he's wearing always, a mug and shorts and went out and we stayed without news, "said Suelen Neves.
The family is worried about not having come to dinner on Monday or even to have lunch at his mother's house on Tuesday, as he was used to.
"He was gone, we took time and started to call the IML, here in Ribeirão we gave him his characteristics, he gave them to us, then we recognized the body", said Suelen.
According to his sister, William was seriously injured in the face and head. She said no IML did not report how he was killed. "He did not … Wellington Willian, 28, had no enemies in Araraquara, according to his sister." Wellington Willian, 28, had no problem. enemies in Araraquara, according to her sister "[Photo:Reproduction/Facebook"title="WellingtonWilliam28ansavaitpasd'ennemisàAraraquaraselonsœurPhoto:reading/Facebook"src="data:image/jpeg;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"/>[WellingtonWillian28ansn'avaitpasd'ennemisàAraraquaraselonsasœurPhoto:Reproduction/Facebook"title="WellingtonWillian28ansn'avaitpasd'ennemisàAraraquaraselonsasœurdatesWellingtonWillian28ansn'avaitpasd'ennemisàAraraquaraselonsasœur-Photo:Reproduction/Facebook
She said that her brother had no enemies and did not know what would be the motivation of the crime. "My brother is not a bad person, he had in our district of Hortensia a social football project with a small child, he did not fight with anyone, he did not go to school. was beaten with nobody, "he said.
"His mind was his social project, the football school, he said that he wanted to grow in that he was not going to ask for help for whoever it is, nor for the city hall so that he can use his project. " 19659023] Willian's body will be buried this Friday (14) at 10 am in the Britos cemetery.
The Araraquara civilian police, through the sectional police station, indicated that complaints could be transmitted by telephone 197.