TSE rejects PSL's claim against Fernando Haddad and Roger Waters


The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) unanimously rejected the PSL's action against Roger Waters, who took advantage of his tour in Brazil during the election period to attack the then-candidate, Jair Bolsonaro.

The court understood that there was no collusion Jorge Mussi Fernando Haddad and the organizers of the show filed a petition from the party President elected to render the Petista ineligible for 8 years for abuse of economic power.

According to "The Antagonist", he explained:

the reporter did not take place. the case reporter defended the "freedom of expression" and pointed out that the tour in question was not receiving public money. public funding of the resources and that only the artist and his team had control of the content of the shows.

In addition, according to the minister, Roger Waters former leader of the group Pink Floyd, had no impact on the elections.

The rapporteur, whose content of the vote was hailed several times during the trial, was accompanied by all the ministers of the Electoral Tribunal.

Mussi stated that the # EleNão campaign was already known to all, with mbadive advertising on the Internet. [ad_2]
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