Jason Momoa talks about the importance of Iron Man Jason Momoa talked about the importance of the human


In an interview granted to Toronto Sun for the disclosure of Aquaman Iron. The actor began to explain why it had taken so long for Aquaman to go theatrical:

"Oh, I do not know, the only thing I know, is that it's a good thing. is that people want more to say, but they want new things.When Batman vs. Superman was released and introduced Wonder Woman, she came in and broke out.I think Marvel, by his merit, has also opened the door to new characters.

"I thought you knew something about Aquaman, but I did not know anything about Aquaman Robert Downey arrived and s & Is collapsed. So there are all those beautiful modern mythologies in which people are inspired and it is good to see different things. "

Aquaman is in displays in theaters. [19659007] (N) = n (n) = n (n) = n (n) = n (n)
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