Increase the payment period in cash at IPVA in Paraná, see dates


In 2019, the Paraná government extended the period during which taxpayers will have to pay Motor Property Tax (IPVA) in sight. Now, the single deadline will be between January 24th and 30th. Last year, cash payment could only be made until January 16th. Those who choose to pay the IPVA at once, on time, will benefit from a 3% discount. See below the number of expiration days depending on the end of the vehicle registration plate.

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The taxpayer who wants to pay the down payment can already split the value up to three times, with maturity dates between January 24 and January 30; February 21 and 27; and March 21st and 27th. In this case, the taxpayer must access the Finance Secretariat portal to print the collection guides.

Another option is to pay directly to the authorized banks (Banco do Brasil, Bancoob, Bradesco, Itaú, Rendimento, Santander and Sicredi) using the Renaban do.

The state government has not yet released the table with the reference values ​​for the calculation of the tax. The rate is 3.5% for cars and 1% for buses, trucks, cargo ships, rental cars or using CNG gasoline. Taxis, urban transit buses, disabled people's vehicles, school buses and those manufactured more than 20 years ago are exempt.

Nota Paraná

Who used the credits of the Parana Nota program to reduce the value of the IPVA will already receive the card with the discount. According to the state government, 127,664 owners used the benefit, generating a reduction of R $ 15.5 million.

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Who does not pay the tax on time will have to pay a fine of up to 10% and, in In addition, will have the value of the IPVA readjusted according to the interest of the period. Moreover, without paying tax, taxpayers do not receive an annual license.

IPVA 2019
See when the tax will be due on your car

Single Quota and 1st Payment

1 and 2 24/01/19
3 and 4 25 / 01/19
5 and 6 28/01/19 [19659016] 7 and 8 29/01/19
9 and 0 30/01/19

Single Quota and 2nd installment

Finals of the plate Maturity
1 e 2 21/02/19
3 and 4 22/02/19
5 and 6 ] 25/02/19
9 and 0 27/02/19

3rd parcel

Finals of the plate Maturity
1 and 2 03 / 21/19
3 and 4 23/03/19
5 and 6 25/03/1919
7 and 8 26/03/19
9 and 0 03/27/19

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